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Our aim is to help professionals, managers and entrepreneurs acquire skills and competencies that not only are required for successful business endeavors, but are also crucial for anybody who believes in an ethical work approach and the creation of an economic humanity and who strives to be a part of a society which perceives the role of every individual as worthy of respect, equity and fairness.


Located in Belgrade, our school has created a global community which provides an opportunity for students, managers and entrepreneurs from all over the world to obtain supreme entrepreneurial skills without failing to emphasize the importance of ethical and social responsibility. Both economic and personal growth are insisted on and achieved owing to the cooperation among all of its students, teachers, alumni, partners and friends.


Our work is individually-oriented: in addition to providing managers, professionals and entrepreneurs with training that enables them to master their skills, our school equips them for an individually-centered approach where customers, employees and the public opinion are the focus of the work and so is a new economic humanity which is therefore promoted along with the development of a healthier economy and society.

A moral and socially responsible method to the enterprise: we are of the opinion that it is only by being intensely aware of environmental and social well-being and concerned with the welfare of the future generations that one can conduct business ethically.

Multiculturalism: instead of perceiving globalization as threatening, we ought to view this process as an opportunity to understand and value diversity and learn more about what it means to live in a world which is brought together by a variety of ideas, cultures and economic and spiritual abundance instead of allowing all of this to be divisive.

Multi-disciplinarity: since the dynamic of the world has been rapidly changing and economic and social circumstances have been shifting as well, it is only by obtaining modern skills that we can understand and adjust to them. Therefore, our aim is to take into consideration the complex, multi-disciplinary nature of our society and create integrated training which provides a comprehension of it.

Learning Community: we believe in the importance of every individual’s contribution within a community and thus our aim to establish an environment where our students, teachers and partners can communicate and share ideas, insights and knowledge relevant for both professional and cultural development, where shared intelligence is appreciated, and opportunities are created owing to reciprocity and dialogue.


Better Managers for a Better World.

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